De Lacluse Et Mijoux dobermann kennel, dobermann puppies

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      About us
There have always been dogs in our house. My first dog was a German Shepherd female Gerda. In a cold winter 1988 my school classmate's female died accidentally. 10 day-old puppies were left after her, and my classmate's family was looking for good owners for them urgently. I took the smallest female, her eyes hadn't even opened yet. That's how Gerda appeared in my life. She lived a long and interesting life.

Gerda & I

In 1993 I bought my first Dobermann Donna Pans in Moscow. It was her who got me into professional cynology.

The first litter under "Etual Asandant" name was born in 1995. Officially the kennel was registered in FCI in 1998. Many Champions have been born in our kennel.

Zolotaya Liga Batyr

My last Dobermann was INT CH,MULT CH,IPO,BIS,BOB Guardo Gringo King of Darkness. He left me at the age of 10.

Gringo & I

Once in the 90th I saw wonderful dogs with exotic appearance and lively temperament at a show in Moscow. Those dogs sank into my heart back then. Many years later, in 2007, the first Chinese Crested - Bi-Lav Plus Olli appeared in our house.

Olli & I

Designed by Elena